Hi all,
Just curious to know, what people do for Daytime work... but then some work contracting, or nights. And what is your plans or goals.
I work 9-5 daytime as an Analyst/Programmer/Developer for Transport Software (most of the time in a language called Progress).
I would like to spend more time, developing games (as most of us would.)
Im at work right now, keeping an eye on the Forum

and posting myself notes via OneNote of stuff to do when i get home.
Long term, id like to be living in Tasmania(that land thingy under Australia)... watching my Google Account grow as my games go viral
Web: http://bromancelabs.com
While many clients would want multi-platform iOS, Android, Windows (so as not to facilitate the employees with a BYO (Bring Your Own device)) Currently there is no framework that fits the bill as a true cross-platform and feature rich for a non gaming app scenario.
There are a couple of gaming and other projects that are on the backburner which I would like to complete personally (for some the core stuff is already done, need to make the menus, add social and GC type features and it is ready for publishing) just too pre-occupied.
Long term, I guess I am already in QLD (queensland) which is quite sunny and warm and has beaches and rainforest nearby, where the skies are blue and sunny nearly 365 days of the year.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Reverse engineering (both software & hardware at transistor level).
Coding firmwares for a variety of CPU/Microcontrollers to be used in many of our products.
Also now anything @techdojo used to do, including making my coffee
Likes: plamen
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
I left and started freelancing as a matte painter and concept artist as source of income,I actually made more freelancing than my last job.saved up some money ,and during that time I learned lua ,csharp, a bit of java and cpp(I have to say I am very comfortable in lua and c# now,of course there is always room for improvement).
Then I started full time creating my game using my saving (it has been 6 months now),hopefully in couple of month my game comes out ,and we will see how it would do.I love to move to Vancouver as I am living in Edmonton Canada,and it is very cold most of the year.
Likes: plamen, phongtt
Now I'm one of the software development managers / team leader / scrummaster for an enterprise management information system for the steel fabrication industry - and if anyone thinks lua is hard to get their head round - wait till you try SQL!
Mobile dev and gideros is still just a spare time hobby for me
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Do you use Toad, SQL Developer or is it MS SQL?
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Likes: zoolax
I enjoy my day job but like @plamen (and 99% of app developers) would like to do the others full time
Long term, I'd like to become a freelancer with good income. And I'd like to live in Australia on the beach too.
Likes: vitalitymobile
Games: Android
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Likes: fxone, phongtt
Games: Android
Would look forward to seeing more games from you, if you could PM me your email ID and a list of the apps that you have made.
Will look forward to seeing you as my neighbour soon someday
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
My day job has nothing to do with computer programming. What's more, I ****ing HATE my day job, but any move towards independence would involve a huge pay cut. I would much rather work for a rich, successful mobile gaming company (
Likes: fxone, hgvyas123, phongtt, plamen
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
"rich", "successful"? Well, not yet, honestly!
Been full time (day and night, passionately) for my own-setup studio Guava7 since Jan 2012, but so far I still haven't reached the point where my self-published games have profit yet.
But I think we could have some kind of collaboration if you're interested. I'll talk with you later
Yes, please. I would love that.
Thank you very much.
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Currently needing to learn java for our latest application, as well as coming to grips with working in a team using agile, rather than mostly lone programming. OOP concepts still have me stumped!
I enjoy playing games so much it keeps me away from finishing a game.
With retirement in the next 5 or so years I'd like to get to a point where I could be doing game development as a full time hobby, and potentially earn a little extra income to pay for my retirement home costs lol.
Likes: hgvyas123
Bubble Adventure - Colors
However my game revenue still not as much as my salary, so I must try more and more to beat my salary. Then I could quit my job and work endlessly through night without the fear "how to wake up early next morning to go to work"
Likes: fxone, Nascode, hgvyas123
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
@ArtLeeApps I'm not aware that Fortran was used for operating machinery. It's a high level language, mostly used in the scientific community.
Yeah, thanks, man. I wouldn't last long!
Neuroscience is fab!
My current job is something completely unrelated to neuroscience (to my great regret).
P.S. Alvin is great!
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Likes: Platypus
Likes: Platypus
My-my, I didn't expect to find someone from the AS400 / RPG world on here. I started my programming career in RPG and now, 9 years down the line, am still working in it.
Knowing RPG and the AS400/iSeries platform so well, it's a bit frustrating sometimes to get stuck with really simple coding errors in Gideros ... but, it's part of the learning curve - the penny will eventually drop and there will be sunshine and rainbows and laughter and butterflies etc, etc... It was the same when I had to learn to code in Cobol and RPG.
All in all I am enjoying Gideros and can't wait to really start knowing what I'm doing and getting my first game out! I don't get to spend as much time working on it as I would like to - work is busy busy busy, so I only get time in the evenings at home, where the woman and tv are noisy and the cat wants to help me code and the dogs and cooking vegetables and stuff. But I'm committed and will get there....
By the by, watch out for the Bulls giving the Brumbies a hiding at Loftus in the semis tomorrow!!
Likes: fxone, plamen, phongtt, OZApps, Platypus
Thanks, mate. Very interesting.
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
cleaning up I found a whole lot of books that I am going to chuck out as they are no longer useful, thought you might recognize a page and @scouser, @sinistersoft, and other guys that worked with Spectrum might recognize the others. And just some more of the old stuff that is no longer useful (but is a trove of information)
Likes: phongtt
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps