Hi, since there is no place to request for features on the roadmap, (if there is, it should be made sticky) you can add a feature request, it would be nice if a format is followed, i.e. the Discussion Title is formatted as [FEATURE] then followed by the feature name, so that users could comment, like/dislike as required. Please remember to add it to the Roadmap category, or if
@ar2rsawseen or
@atilim creates a new category called Feature Requests (which should be different to the Suggestions and Request (I think).
Ok let me think about it
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
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Yes sure, we (I mean you) can do that.
I don't have access to forum stuff, but I think it is completely ok to use roadmap section, as it is not really used for anything else right now