I brought the Humble Indie Bundle (Android)
https://www.humblebundle.com/ and that is an amazing buy for about $6.00 and these are DRM free.
Now, the point that I was trying to make, Of these, the games like Metal Slug, Another World and Raiden Legacy which are the old arcade type games with sprites (Another world with polygons) and then The Room, Bladeslinger with 3D graphics and Anomaly KR ad Smugglers with amazing graphics.
The demo that
@atilim had for a shoot-em-up was amazing but can something like Raiden be created, with the smoothness and speeds of the game running on an android device not an iOS.
Currently we cannot make any 3D type apps so that would be a while, but would gideros support a polygon engine for good speed? I have not as yet got a chance to check the meshes vs lines and poly fills, so anyone that has had some experience and would like to share any information on the benchmarking.
It would be nice to be able to be able to remake some of the old gems...
One of the Humble Bundle packs I bought (bundle 3 for android I think) had Osmosis & World of Goo, great games.
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com