Some of you may have noticed, that "the other sdk" has just released a new improved widget library, and in doing so has decided to make their old v1 widget library open source so that any existing developers who still need that support can still use it. code isn't the best example of Lua in the world, but... if anyone who is interested in writing more "business" type apps might be able to make use of it (or at least learn from it) to help them create their own widget library.
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NEVER give up!" -
Winston Churchill
One of the interesting things I've found is these error messages through out the code:
Likes: hgvyas123, phongtt
Likes: hgvyas123, phongtt, SinisterSoft, vitalitymobile
Likes: atilim
"We should warn you that this code is very spaghetti-like. It's not clean and is highly unmaintainable"
Hmm, I wonder what the *rest* of the Corona source code looks like...?
Likes: SinisterSoft, hgvyas123, atilim
Still looks like there's lot to be learnt (even if it's how not to do it!)
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
is if not kindsof(classname) or something similar available in Gideros?
Other than this corona widget library, are there standard Gideros widgets available?
One thing I want to build is something which allows editing data using widgets. Ideally a set of classes/functions/api which allows creating something akin to the android setup screens (Allowing textboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, etc). Does anything exist like this in Gideros?
Likes: bravcm