My second game: Cupid's Game of Love is now available on Apple Store and Google Play. This simple game was made only for marketing purpose, however its download rate is far better than my old game Missile Defense Extreme so I decide to announce here to enrich Gideros game library.
Fun and free cupid games for lovers on Valentine's Day.
Play as little angel Cupid, try to shoot flying hearts and bring love to life.
How to play: Drag the cupid's bow then release to shoot.
Let's install this amazing Valentine game to your boyfriend/ girlfriend's device and edit in-game custom message (for example: Love you Mary, Be my valentine, Love you forever, Happy Valentine...). It will be a very impressive method to express your love.
Take a look at you combo gauge, the more heart you collect, the more bonus you get. However when you miss target or shoot at balloon, combo gauge will be reset.
Lovers love gift and present, hit them and you will get a surprise ^^
Wish you have a happy valentine with this !
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/free-cupids-game-of-love/id593301765?mt=8GOOGLE PLAY:

Likes: thanhquan1512
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
gfx is awesome! (AAA class!!!)
only resize problem on my device (1280x720) on left and right side of screen.
here is a screen of my device:
Likes: thanhquan1512
1. on armv6 device I've noticed small pause (few hundreds of miliseconds) of whole world after mouse up (or touches end function) at Cupido area
2. at Cupido's touching is small bug: when you do not pull a bow, but only you touch the place of Cupido, there is a sound of release an arrow after mouse up (or touches end function), but the arrow is not released. Also when you do it very fast, Cupido freezes for a while.
Besides of these corrections, you are on the path to the success as indie, I think.
Likes: thanhquan1512
@GregBUG: I built optimized for 480x320 (960x640) screen. I know this problem but I don't know how to fix. I want cloud float slowly & naturally from left to right, natural here means it should appear from -X (with X = cloud:getWidth) However, on large screen we will see cloud from outside gameplay area (like your screenshot).
@fxone: Thank you, I will fix these bugs on the next update
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Here are some values that caculated base on threads above:
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
thank you very much, I will try it
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