Tadaaaaa! :-bd
Today I made my decision. No more dark side, no more C*r*na

. I have switched over to Gideros.
I hope that the plugin support will be released soon as my "support dev" heart craves for some toys to play with. And you gyus deserve to be supported!
This is the current Gideros plugin support: Atilim has finished up a small example, and now he's about to finish GameCenter plugin (inc. achievements, leaderboards and multi-player). After then he'll move to in-app-purchase (which is much more simpler than GameCenter), and then we'll provide another release.
It's important two provide at least two plugin examples with documentation, so devs can understand how the underlying infrastructure really works. Then you'll be able to develop your own plugins and extend Gideros as much as possible.
We'd like to see you support here - the more you test the plugin system, the easier we move forward. We really need your help to make Gideros the most extensible and easiest mobile development environment out there
Dislikes: MikeHart