I think we'll end up seeing a lot of these pop-up in 2013. Which probably means that none of them will really gain much traction unless they all agree to operate on a specific set of APIs for controller input, support a unified store etc. Otherwise it just creates a huge disparate number of "consoles" for developers to support, along with their own submission process etc. Sounds like a bit of a nightmare really and will probably kill things for them unless the problems are surmounted.
A fair and good point. Meanwhile I also wait for Samsung to get wind of all this and do something themselves to steal the full android tv app market for themselves no doubt.
Ah the TV thing also has the ability to make it even worse as well. We know how bad electronics companies are at working together on standardised protocols - history is littered with examples of them!
The most interesting part will be when TV sets integrate this hardware and then will be sold with controllers along with the pair of stereo glasses. It makes sense because the price of integrated hardware will be half or even less and the scale of production Samsung or LG are capable, will reduce price overcharge of TV sets to unnoticeable amount. If they decide to do it then we will say goodbye to OUYA or similar goodies. Thank good they suck in software otherwise it would be done by now. My mother's cheap LG already have integrated media player over computer network and many more features. Its just one step needed.
I agree and the likes of Samsung and LG etc. could rule in this marketplace if they chose too 100%. All these new devices although showing some promise would be probably be crushed under their collective weight if that were to happen. Apps that run on mobile, tablets and tv's all from the same binary - who'd of thought it eh?
This looks and sounds very interesting, more interesting than any is the fact that they chose to go to the public on Kickstarter. One of the thing that hit me the moment I saw the XBox type menu interface is "there's their revenue model" These guys will create an app market like Apple or Google, kindle, etc where they will keep 20-30% of all transactions as their fees.
Had a look at the comments and it confirmed that thought. They have already hit the $100,000 that they were after and there are more than 28 days left. The first wave of their production devices will do well as they are already so as to say "Sold Out".
What will interest me is can we create apps using Gideros? Do we have to upload apps separately to these new stores? Will there be different API's based on the standard Google/Android APIs and most importantly, what is the price of this device? For $69 they are offering a device to the backers, playing with the Raspberry Pi, I noted that it is possible to have a decent headless device (without a monitor/touchscreen -> Back to ZX Spectrum/8-bit console days) for cheap. A 10" touchscreen is approximately $130 and a 7" is about $110.
Update: The website states it is available for $79
Let's see how the market takes to these new genre...
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
If Google guys integrate joystick or gamepad interface and do some standardization around it in Android OS, it won't be necessary to create new APIs for these devices. I think main hardware is already completely abstracted and for some strange reason Google are integrating some Arduino boards and stuff like that but nothing about the simple and classic gaming interfaces. Like the hardware DIYers are more than console players. Most of the new devices execute same ARM code. It is possible to unify the apps.
@plamen I think they want to get Android in to hundreds of millions of devices, like washing machines, fridges, microwaves, robots, cars etc - that's why they have added the hartdware interface libs. I agree though, they should have put joypad support in a long time ago!
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
I agree with @Moopf without some kind of standardised marketplace for these things, it'll turn into a bloody mess for developers and customers alike, part of the problem is that the TV manufacturers know a lot about TV but bugger all about games / software which is why so many of the devices have such crappy interfaces.
WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play! #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
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Likes: SinisterSoft
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Interesting time ahead for sure.
Likes: MobAmuse, SinisterSoft
Had a look at the comments and it confirmed that thought. They have already hit the $100,000 that they were after and there are more than 28 days left. The first wave of their production devices will do well as they are already so as to say "Sold Out".
What will interest me is can we create apps using Gideros? Do we have to upload apps separately to these new stores? Will there be different API's based on the standard Google/Android APIs and most importantly, what is the price of this device? For $69 they are offering a device to the backers, playing with the Raspberry Pi, I noted that it is possible to have a decent headless device (without a monitor/touchscreen -> Back to ZX Spectrum/8-bit console days) for cheap. A 10" touchscreen is approximately $130 and a 7" is about $110.
Update: The website states it is available for $79
Let's see how the market takes to these new genre...
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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Likes: MobAmuse
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill