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R.U.B.E Box2D editor — Gideros Forum

R.U.B.E Box2D editor

iforce2diforce2d Member
edited December 2012 in Marketplace
Hey all, I'd like to announce the R.U.B.E (Really Useful Box2D Editor), built from the ground up to create and edit Box2D worlds. The editor is great for creating game levels and complex structures, and improves turnaround time when prototyping or fine-tuning physics behavior.

I have to admit I have not yet looked into how well this integrates with the Gideros environment, but the venerable ndoss of these forums seems to have made use of the previous version of R.U.B.E, which has the same file format.

Some features:
- create, translate, rotate, scale: bodies, fixtures, vertices, joints and images
- comprehensive undo/redo support
- built-in player to check the simulation
- automatic polygon decomposition
- vertex drawing
- revolute, prismatic, distance, rope, wheel joints
- copy and scale entire structures of bodies
- easily create chains of bodies
- mirror bodies and fixtures
- attach images to bodies (or use as background)
- fully scriptable (Angelscript)
- built-in script editor with auto-compile and error highlighting
- customizable menus
- sample loaders for C++, Javascript (box2dweb), Java
- integrated context help
- video tutorials

More info here: http://www.iforce2d.net/rube
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