Hi everyone. I'm another refugee from C#@!?%& and loving Gideros more and more by the day. Every question I've had so far I've found answers to either in the docs or the forums. This is a super helpful community.
I'm wondering if there is a way to change some of the Box2D default settings in b2Settings.h. Specifically I'm looking to change b2_velocityThreshold and b2_timeToSleep but I don't see any access to it. Is this possible? Or will it be possible at some point? Thanks.
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Usually if some functionality of box2d is required then @atilim wraps it up in lua, but never before these functionalities were settings. Since you'd probably need to recompile box2d to use new settings, I doubt that it will be possible.
If only of course you'd take box2d C source and compile your own lua plugin: "restlessbox2d" with required settings.
@ar2rsawseen No box2d plugin. That's for someone much smarter than me!