Explosions! Superheros!! Car Chases!! Dancing Ponies!!! All things a great game should have! Give A Dam, The first ChupaChups game for iOS doesn’t have any of these things – but is the best dam game about saving happy campers from falling over a waterfall at Camp Chupa Chups you will ever play – and that’s a promise!
Some dam physics
120 dam levels
A dam waterfall at the end of a dam river
Lots of dam characters including a dam beaver
The occasional dam shark
A dam catchy soundtrack with some dam catchy noises too
Oh, and Chuck of course. He’s just chillin. Play This. It would be a dam shame if you didn’t.
Download on AppStoremore info on our website
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
(Do you have some kind of party each time you release something?)
I was a bit surprised that the trailer/review didn't feature any gameplay though, I wanted to see more of the animations and gfx
But somebody doesn't know their internet memes - on the static images before you play level 1-1, on the second still, in the background on the top left, there's a bear. That bear became known as Pedobear on the internet - you should look it up, I doubt Chupa Chups really want there to be such a reference if they knew what the connotation was on the net.
You can see the bear on the screenshot in your first post.
uh okaaay then. ( ? )
Back on topic, I like the artstyle it reminds me of a japanese illustrator that I know.
wow! congratz!
regarding the bear, it will be removed on the next version
I'm really curious as it removes context from a couple of the posts afterwards now you've edited yours.
Comment troll: http://www.epicfail.com/2012/04/09/facebook-trolling-win/
Likes: moopf
Thankyou everyone, we have more games on production using gideros
Likes: gorkem