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Issue with Text Input Dialogue — Gideros Forum

Issue with Text Input Dialogue

joelghilljoelghill Member
edited November 2012 in Bugs and issues
There seems to be a minor problem with the text input dialogue class when running on an iOS system.

I have a dialogue I use to prompt the users to log in to a service, or to create a new profile on said service. This requires 3 buttons (Cancel, next, or create new). On Android or the desktop player this is not an issue, however on iOS the prompt appears squished together. The buttons appear in a single column rather than a row, and so there is not enough room on the screen for all of the information and the keyboard.

I could redesign my login interface, but I would rather not have to. Is this normal? Is there any way to have the prompt appear on screen without the keyboard automatically popping up and causing havoc?

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