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A lesson in App Design "Gangnam Style" — Gideros Forum

A lesson in App Design "Gangnam Style"

techdojotechdojo Guru
edited September 2012 in Game & application design
I'm sure everyone has seen or heard about the Gangnam Style video that's recently going viral all over the internet (). IMHO here is one of the better parodies () however this isn't what this post is about.

I caught a clip about this on the Ellen Degeneres show (again on YouTube - ) where she was interviewing Brittany Spears who'd tweeted that she wanted to learn the "horse dance", to cut a long story short, Ellen had arranged for Psy (the creator of the video) to be on the show to teach her the dance, as you can see from the video Brittany is wearing some seriously high heels and Ellen quips that she can't dance in the shoes - however Psy then add's (around 1:25 in the video) that these will be ok as the mindset of the dance is "Dress Classy and Dance Cheesy".

This got me thinking - is this what made this video got viral - people love "cheese", it's amuses and lightens the mood as no one can take it seriously, but a lot of people would be embarrassed to admit it, so if the "cheese" is wrapped up in a "classy" package does it make it more acceptable to the wider audience?

I then thought about Angry Birds - surely one of the most cheesiest games on the planet, the cartoon styling of the birds, the whole back story about the egg's being stolen by the greedy pigs (literally) - and coloured green so we know their bad? But if you step back and look at it - the entire "package" is dressed very "classy", it's polished till it SHINES! and then polished some more.

Likewise all the Mario games that Nintendo make - very cheesy, tongue in cheek fun, but again polished, polished and polished some more.

So to to sum up this post - when making your app's try and keep the mindset of "Dress Classy and Dance Cheesy"

The floor is now open for discussion... :)
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