Thanks for that, do not take it as pressure, when you can is fine. I did figure out that using the AddresssBookUI instead of the AddressBook i.e. using the controllers worked out better as it comes with it's own navigationBar, etc.
I am 70% there, will iron out the other few quirks and post an article on how to use the Person Picker from Gideros.
@Andy, any luck on setting up a NavigationController that manage the rootViewControllers and if you have played around with other stuff like the C structures, mainly in use with the C API's like ABAddressBook and other constants used with iOS.
@OZApps, I've just looked and seen that the AddressBook stuff is all C functions and structures rather than Objective C. I think this means you're out of luck using easily it with Hot Wax. If you want to try it, I think the best way would be to write a wrapper layer in ObjC that makes the AB stuff look like objects. Probably wouldn't be that difficult to do. The alternative, of course, would be to write your AB wrapper as a standard Gideros plugin.
I haven't looked at NavigationControllers before but it looks like they would interesting to experiment with.
@Andy, I got some of the Addressbook features that create their own ViewControllers to work, but they kind of crash when any data is tried to be retrieved.
I've pushed a new version of Hot Wax to the GitHub repository, which now has the BhWax plugin pre-compiled into a static library. This should make it easier to add to your Gideros player or your own projects in Xcode.
The library, "Plugin/IOS/hotwax/libhotwax.a" is universal and will work on armv6, armv7 devices and in the iOS simulator (not the Gideros desktop player). Drop the library into your player or app XCode project and set the "Linking" option, "Other Linker Flags" to -all_load. This forces the library to be loaded into the executable.
There is a shell script "" that can be used to rebuild libhotwax.a from the source files if you need to do this (although you shouldn't need to). Because, the library comes prebuilt, you shouldn't need to take the CoreyJohnsonWax source files unless you want to rebuild from scratch.
This is a bit experimental right now. Let me know how it goes. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't work you can always go back to using the "dragging in source files" method of building the plugin.
@bhou, @OZApps, I think that method (imageNamed:) finds files that are part of the app bundles resources. There is another function like imageWithContentsOfFile: that will find an image based on a full path. Please see this post:
@gianmichele, @OZApps, I hadn't tried it before but it's dead simple to get a local video file to play using Hot Wax. Here's the code:
function BhWaxDemo:playLocalVideo(filename, x, y, width, height)local fullPath=getPathForFile(filename)local url=NSURL:fileURLWithPath(fullPath)local moviePlayerController=MPMoviePlayerController:initWithContentURL(url)local movieView=moviePlayerController:view()if(x and y and width and height)then-- Set frame if specified
movieView:setFrame(CGRect(x, y, width, height))else-- Otherwise play fullscreen
You can either specify a location for the frame with the x, y, width, height parameters or you can leave them out and get full screen.
best regards
I am 70% there, will iron out the other few quirks and post an article on how to use the Person Picker from Gideros.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
I haven't looked at NavigationControllers before but it looks like they would interesting to experiment with.
best regards
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
I've pushed a new version of Hot Wax to the GitHub repository, which now has the BhWax plugin pre-compiled into a static library. This should make it easier to add to your Gideros player or your own projects in Xcode.
The library, "Plugin/IOS/hotwax/libhotwax.a" is universal and will work on armv6, armv7 devices and in the iOS simulator (not the Gideros desktop player). Drop the library into your player or app XCode project and set the "Linking" option, "Other Linker Flags" to -all_load. This forces the library to be loaded into the executable.
There is a shell script "" that can be used to rebuild libhotwax.a from the source files if you need to do this (although you shouldn't need to). Because, the library comes prebuilt, you shouldn't need to take the CoreyJohnsonWax source files unless you want to rebuild from scratch.
This is a bit experimental right now. Let me know how it goes. If, for whatever reason, it doesn't work you can always go back to using the "dragging in source files" method of building the plugin.
best regards
Likes: gorkem, omer
I would like to know where hotwax can find the image files in Gideros project? I tried this code:
Thank you!
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
best regards
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
Time to play
best regards