Hello all
We released our app which was built with Gideros, a puzzle like arcade called Mashballs.
It's not much, we just want to see how it kicks off before adding more features and levels. We are already building few level packs, which will soon be available.
So please, share what you think

App website:
http://jenots.com/mashballsApp store:
http://slideme.org/application/mashballspremiumGoogle Play:
CongoRatz! for the release!
Just tested on my Galaxy S3
and is smooth like butter...
I really like game and GFX... very polished... B-)
and your splashscreen while game is in loading is FANTASTIC! @-)
Likes: jenotscom
Congo Ratz
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Congo Ratz
Congo Ratz!
I hope you put a "backdoor" in the app so you can send a message to all active users as soon as you hit your target.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
On the other hand, you can open website, and launch app and you'll see, that stats update without page refresh once app syncs, so it is kind of real time
And it's been an awesome feeling seeing smashed ball count update "real time", knowing someone somewhere is playing your app right now
Likes: gorkem, Mells, chipster123, deniz, GregBUG
yep everything is fair and square. Our family hobby is to make and play music, so we are trying to make all Sound effects and Music on our own. And Mashballs main theme was basically rewritten from melody used in GameTemplate.
New levels will be a little more puzzle like, which would require some skill.
@gorkem we will probably start working (learning IOS app releasing and Appstore submission process, testing on devices, etc) on IOS version this week, after releasing new levels, so IOS version will already include them.
no more background music with new update? :-/
Just preparing an update on other issue, but it seems that there's everything ok with sounds and melody.
Could you check if music is enabled on both phone and inside application? (left button on main screen)
tested other gideros games and audio is working fine.
on MashBalls (after today update) only sound effects works... no background music.
i'm testing on Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean (no official rom (omega 25 rom) btw)
i can try to uninstall and reinstall if you want.
Just installed updated app on multiple devices, all have sounds and music. Really don't know what can be the case. Maybe there is an option to mute specific app on your phone?
and now works fine.
something wrong with update ? :-/ ?
I have tried the update scenario and it worked normally.
By the way you probably downloaded updated file (there was a problem with level unlocking), so maybe thats why it works now, maybe there was a corrupted file or something. Really don't know, just glad it works now