I often see that multiplayer games are possible via bluetooth (Street Fighter Volt, Metal Slug 3, etc).
How hard would it be to add this ability in a game made with Gideros?
I have checked the
Gideros Unite framework but it seems to target different needs.
So I'm asking : Has anybody done it successfully?
Thank you
I my opinion, game center is much easier but in the long run custom server would be the first choice, although write a server from the ground up requirs a lot of work.
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#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
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#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
@atilim Thanks for the answer. If you ever come up with some informations about it, please keep us updated (even a "very low priority item" would be informative).
Apart from some client needs, that's a feature that I would really need to make a multiplayer game than I plan to be playable with airplay on big screens.
maybe he knows the answer for you
• Show the bluetooth peer picker when gameKit:btConnect() is called
• Dispatch an event when the Peer Picker is cancelled which can be caught in gideros using gamekit:addEventListener("peerPickerCanceled", onPeerPickerCancelled)
We are now implementing the session:peer:didChangeState: method to detect when a user is connected.
We'll keep you informed as we work on this and hopefully @atilim will either merge our gameKit plugin with his or replace it with ours when our bluetooth implementation is complete.
Likes: TheOddLinguist
You can now
• Connect to other devices using peer picker
• Recieve event when peer connects using gamekit:addEventListener("peerConnected", onPeerConnect) Event passes PeerID as string
• Recieve event when peer disconnects using gamekit:addEventListener("peerDisconnected", onPeerDisconnect) Event passes PeerID as string
• Send string to other device using gamekit:btSendString(stringtosend)
Likes: TheOddLinguist
This is only bluetooth currently but we are planning to add support for the other Gamecenter multiplayer features.
There is still a lot to do as some things are not released properly and tables can currently only contain strings.
Here's the link:
And here's a list of what we have working so far
---------------- Functions ----------------
gamekit:btConnect() -- Show Peer Picker
gamekit:btDisconnectAll() -- Disconnect Peers
gamekit:btSendString(String) -- Send String
gamekit:btSendTable(luaTable) -- Send Table
---------------- Listeners ----------------
gamekit:addEventListener("peerPickerCanceled", functionToRun) -- Peer Picker Cancelled
gamekit:addEventListener("peersDisconnected", functionToRun) -- All Peers Disconnected
gamekit:addEventListener("peerConnected", functionToRun) -- Peer Connected [Passes Variables event.peerID as string]
gamekit:addEventListener("peerDisconnected", functionToRun) -- Peer Disconnected [Passes Variables event.peerID as string]
gamekit:addEventListener("peerUnavailable", functionToRun) -- Peer Unavailable [Passes Variables event.peerID as string]
gamekit:addEventListener("peerAvailable", functionToRun) -- Peer Available [Passes Variables event.peerID as string]
gamekit:addEventListener("peerConnecting", functionToRun) -- Peer Connecting [Passes Variables event.peerID as string]
gamekit:addEventListener("recievedData", functionToRun) -- Data Recieved [Passes Variables event.data as table if table recieved, event.dataString if string recieved]
Likes: TheOddLinguist, phongtt, talis, techdojo, Mells
github has been updated with the new version.
Here's the link again:
With my limited skills, I hope I'll be able to make it run in my current game.
Thank you again for the work done.
I will also give it a try with my limited skills.
Very inspiring.