all trigonometric math in lua is in radians...
why "setRotation" use degrees ?
should not we standardize everything in radians? :-/
TNT ENGiNE for Gideors Studio - Particle Engine, Virtual Pad, Animator Studio, Collision Engine - DOWNLOAD NOW !!! IT'S FREE!!! -
I know what you mean, I also get confused myself, because box2d on the other hand uses radians
Consistency, consistency, consistency
But I like degrees much better, lets standardize everything to degrees
Likes: jack0088
YES i like degrees too but radians are standard for Lua and C/C++ ...
I'd rather not have a load of code break in the next release just because of a fix for this.
Anyway, if you ask me which way 135 deg points, I can tell you. 2.355 radians not so easy. :-S If you really want to break it at this stage then do it by standardizing on degrees.
best regards
Likes: techdojo
I fully agree.
BTW, there is also some inconsistency on the use of Degrees, some start with 0 degrees at 12 O' clock while some others start 0 degrees at 3' O clock.
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And BTW I think that in GiderosCodingEasy this problem should be solved, because you could control box2d body by controlling your sprite, meaning, simple using setRotation with degree angle on your sprite
Likes: atilim