Also when you open the player settings dialog and press OK without changing the IP, Gideros Studio attempts to connect to the player immediately. You can try this also.
@alexzheng This is really weird - normally IDE connects directly to the player and this is almost instantaneous. Do you think there might be a firewall inbetween which behaves bad? Are you using vmware, xen or any other vm ? Just trying to identify your setup. Which particular OS are you using? (windows xp, 7, etc)?
@atilim I've seen this in our internal Linux port, but on Linux I do not run iptables or any other fw-like thing. I remember I found a method to connect in 2-3 seconds or so, but do not remember now - will check when I sit down on my Linux laptop.
my OS is windows XP, not in any virtual mechine. And my iphone and pc is in the same wireless LAN. I also monitored the packets from my pc to the phone using wireshake when I click the "OK" button,but no packet to the iphone,It seems no connecting is triggered
the time for connecting is undetermined,at worst maybe more than 1 minute.
@atilim I've seen this in our internal Linux port, but on Linux I do not run iptables or any other fw-like thing. I remember I found a method to connect in 2-3 seconds or so, but do not remember now - will check when I sit down on my Linux laptop.
And my iphone and pc is in the same wireless LAN.
I also monitored the packets from my pc to the phone using wireshake when I click the "OK" button,but no packet to the iphone,It seems no connecting is triggered