WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play! #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
looks great! hope it does really well for you guys.
from the trailer all I can recommend is maybe a different sound for coin collecting, it sounded a bit loud and high pitched to me and you will be hearing it a lot.
Maybe it's just an effect of the recording though I'm not sure, anyway looks great
good job. but as avo has mentioned, sound effects and background music should be changed i think. and it would be nicer if you slow down the game a bit.
I have several hours logged in that game, the level of polish is really great.
Also, I think it's a great lesson in making a game with a lot of replayability. I have gotten the same achievements like 6x already as it just keeps letting you go through with a new badge at the end.
I was wondering what others think about creating a section for Wip? Is the "Made with Gideros Studio" section made for game announcements? Wip? Showcase? I'd love to see how devs make progress on their games, even if you just post a link to an article on your own website. Also, that would be good to attract some attention.
Ex : a dedicated thread for Super Daddio would have been interesteing to follow, even more if there is the option somewhere to subscribe to the thread. Same kind of thread for Evolush also.
It would be great to get some peer feedback, as well as finding beta testers (especially on Android with all the different hardware configurations)
WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play! #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Can we use either of those categories for announcing WIP apps?
- Suggestions & requests - General questions - User experience - Game & application design - Made with Gideros Studio
The reason I do not want to add another is, there are already a big number of categories in the forum. Moreover, if you start a thread, usually its category is ignored by most people since it's shown as unread (whatever category it's shown under).
Therefore I'd suggest that, if there's no big urgency, it's better to leave this category structure intact and keep the forum simple.
@gorkem It's true that currently the forum is like a stream of threads (discussions) and the amount of valuable of informations is starting to increase, sometimes making it hard to find what we are looking for. We have google search + giderostutorials.com + the reference manual, but it takes a lot of manual maintenance and actions.
I agree that there are already a lot of categories.
What do you think : WIP in "Game and application design" like suggested by @ar2rsawseen following this title structure -> "[WIP] Evolush - Endless runner"
Coming soon apps in "Made with Gideros" -> "[Coming soon] Evolush - Endless runner" Video teaser, brief app description (for those that don't read Wip). Between this teaser and the actual release, there could be weeks but it's great to get people's attention early. Make it easy for people to talk about your app, a brief description + video teaser is better than the whole WIP thread.
Released apps in "Made with Gideros" (or annoucements?) -> "[Released] Evolush - Endless runner" That thread could contain a video trailer, link to a website, complete app description (same as the app store?), a few screenshots, why not a link to a press release kit. See Toucharcade forums for examples. That would be great to help others promote your apps. Event better would be to include a twitter button/fb button so people click, and a tweet is sent with a custom message "Amazing platformer released by xxx! [app store link]"
Am I right thinking that the Announcement part of the forum is for New versions of Gideros and communication from Gideros team to all forum users? (ex. : feature a template like the book template by @deniz) Currently when I release my app (!) I could get confused by Made with Gideros and Annoucements categories.
I'm curious to know what you all think about this. maybe we should create another thread? (but it keeps your announcement on top @phongtt )
Am I right thinking that the Announcement part of the forum is for New versions of Gideros and communication from Gideros team to all forum users? (ex. : feature a template like the book template by @deniz) Currently when I release my app (!) I could get confused by Made with Gideros and Annoucements categories.
Announcement means two different things in the forum:
1. Forum admins can announce new releases, new apps, etc by clicking on "Announce" button (you may not see this).
2. There's also an "Announce" category in the forum, and serves the purpose of "announcing new tools, versions etc of Gideros Mobile, by Gideros staff".
They are two different things, serving the same aim (increase visibility).
Regarding opening a new category under one of the categories - I had a look at that but found out it's not possible seeing possible configuration options.
I changed the name of "Made with Gideros Studio" category to "Announce your apps!". Feel free to suggest another category name if you think it doesn't fit the purpose.
And as one of beta testers, wanted to say, that you might have a hit in your hands right now.
Likes: phongtt
Excellent Stuff!!!
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Likes: phongtt
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Well, the consequence is that the FPS is currently not very stable
We're working hard to optimize it. The code we write is so heavy
Likes: phongtt
from the trailer all I can recommend is maybe a different sound for coin collecting, it sounded a bit loud and high pitched to me and you will be hearing it a lot.
Maybe it's just an effect of the recording though I'm not sure, anyway looks great
Likes: phongtt
keep on doing great job
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
Also, I think it's a great lesson in making a game with a lot of replayability. I have gotten the same achievements like 6x already as it just keeps letting you go through with a new badge at the end.
Is the "Made with Gideros Studio" section made for game announcements? Wip? Showcase?
I'd love to see how devs make progress on their games, even if you just post a link to an article on your own website.
Also, that would be good to attract some attention.
Ex : a dedicated thread for Super Daddio would have been interesteing to follow, even more if there is the option somewhere to subscribe to the thread.
Same kind of thread for Evolush also.
What do you think?
Likes: avo
That's a good idea! I agree
It would be great to get some peer feedback, as well as finding beta testers (especially on Android with all the different hardware configurations)
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Likes: phongtt
@Mells WIP category is a good idea and a thread could be created for each game.
iTunes: http://itunes.com/apps/glennbacon
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_mobile-apps?_encoding=UTF8&node=2350149011&field-brandtextbin=Glenn Bacon
Can we use either of those categories for announcing WIP apps?
- Suggestions & requests
- General questions
- User experience
- Game & application design
- Made with Gideros Studio
The reason I do not want to add another is, there are already a big number of categories in the forum. Moreover, if you start a thread, usually its category is ignored by most people since it's shown as unread (whatever category it's shown under).
Therefore I'd suggest that, if there's no big urgency, it's better to leave this category structure intact and keep the forum simple.
It's true that currently the forum is like a stream of threads (discussions) and the amount of valuable of informations is starting to increase, sometimes making it hard to find what we are looking for.
We have google search + giderostutorials.com + the reference manual, but it takes a lot of manual maintenance and actions.
I agree that there are already a lot of categories.
What do you think :
WIP in "Game and application design" like suggested by @ar2rsawseen following this title structure
-> "[WIP] Evolush - Endless runner"
Coming soon apps in "Made with Gideros"
-> "[Coming soon] Evolush - Endless runner"
Video teaser, brief app description (for those that don't read Wip).
Between this teaser and the actual release, there could be weeks but it's great to get people's attention early. Make it easy for people to talk about your app, a brief description + video teaser is better than the whole WIP thread.
Released apps in "Made with Gideros" (or annoucements?)
-> "[Released] Evolush - Endless runner"
That thread could contain a video trailer, link to a website, complete app description (same as the app store?), a few screenshots, why not a link to a press release kit. See Toucharcade forums for examples.
That would be great to help others promote your apps.
Event better would be to include a twitter button/fb button so people click, and a tweet is sent with a custom message "Amazing platformer released by xxx! [app store link]"
Am I right thinking that the Announcement part of the forum is for New versions of Gideros and communication from Gideros team to all forum users? (ex. : feature a template like the book template by @deniz)
Currently when I release my app (!) I could get confused by Made with Gideros and Annoucements categories.
I'm curious to know what you all think about this. maybe we should create another thread? (but it keeps your announcement on top @phongtt
1. Forum admins can announce new releases, new apps, etc by clicking on "Announce" button (you may not see this).
2. There's also an "Announce" category in the forum, and serves the purpose of "announcing new tools, versions etc of Gideros Mobile, by Gideros staff".
They are two different things, serving the same aim (increase visibility).
Regarding opening a new category under one of the categories - I had a look at that but found out it's not possible seeing possible configuration options.
I changed the name of "Made with Gideros Studio" category to "Announce your apps!". Feel free to suggest another category name if you think it doesn't fit the purpose.
Edit: change the final category name
The game was submitted yesterday (Sunday). Stay tuned!
Likes: hgvyas123, avo, atilim