Well, not really

Today I got a mail from Apple saying that "Your app requires additional review time".
After that I asked Google and see that not only me but many other developers have experienced about that as well.
But I can't see which ones apply to my case :-??
Anyway, in the mean time, you can see some screenshots here
Likes: phongtt
Likes: phongtt
1- Copyright conflict (name, gfx, audio,...)
2- Duplicated functionality (many apps with the same purpose already existed)
3- The reviewer went on vacation and left it, waiting for another reviewer to jump in (I read it in a forum
For no. 1, I'm almost sure it can't be. Gfx is made by my artist. Audio I got from trusted free source. The only thing left is the Whack-a-Zombie name (!?)
For no. 2, I just happened to know there are similar games:
My bad for not having done a thorough market research.
Well, actually I just wanted to release this game for fun. It was initially a cute "whack-a-mole" game, @Ricky_ngk made it in 1 week, then I wanted to change the theme to Zombie. But after all, it's hard to say it doesn't comply with Apple guidelines as you can see there are lots of similar apps/games on the AppStore (one example is tic-tac-toe games). So, I dunno :-??
For no. 3, any possibility? :-@
I have one more doubt, it may be because of the IAP functionality in the game, it's the first time I experiment with IAP, so maybe there's something wrong :-B
Reasons for Rejection:
8.5: Use of protected 3rd party material (trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, otherwise proprietary content) requires a documented rights check which must be provided upon request.
We've reviewed your app and determined that we cannot post your application because it appears to contain features, namely, terminology, that bear a resemblance to a well-known third-party mark, Mattel.
or maybe it's just different app reviewers.
Maybe "Whack a Zombie", "Whack the Zombie" can be OK.
Anyway, I already response to Apple, waiting for their answer
Why not call it Zombi-Whacker and resubmit?
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
I'll need to re-do the name of the game in the main menu screen also.
And the current link that itunesconnect generated is "http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/whack-a-zombie/id524640552?ls=1&mt=8"
I don't know if I need to delete the app and create a new one in itunesconnect or Apple will help change the name in the link.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Reject the app, then change the name on iTunes Connect!
They rejected it because of Mattel's "whac-a-mole". Maybe they also saw the rabbits in your game like in the original http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3446832
Good luck
Likes: phongtt
Yes, they asked me to remove the "Whack-A" phrase which is sensitive to them.
They didn't mention the graphics (I think it's OK)
+50 points if you "whack-a-fanboy" and +100 point bonus if you "whack-a-steve", +1000 points if he comes back as a zombie and you whack him again.
Yay - just found out I can +1 my own posts!
Likes: techdojo, deniz, gorkem, phongtt
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
* Actually it's quite scary the number of hits you get on google for "zombie steve jobs" especially in the images section! @-)
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill