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New Gideros Docs/Wiki... — Gideros Forum

New Gideros Docs/Wiki...

SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
edited December 2019 in Announcements
Some of you have helped with 'Made with Gideros', (See: http://forum.giderosmobile.com/discussion/7461/made-with-gideros ). Well, that was part of a bigger project to make the documentation easier to edit and add to by everyone.

The API documentation has been properly imported now into the new Wiki by @hgy29 , I'm also part way through copying all the information from the old wiki and documents to this new system.

But we really need your help...

If you could take a look at what is there now, if you see an error then please get in touch here for someone to edit the page or for you to ask for a username so you can edit it yourself (the preferred method!). Better documentation will encourage more people to use Gideros and this in turn will encourage maintainers to add more features, make it faster, more useable, etc...

If you look at the API commands and see something missing, or you feel there should be some more examples then also mention it here or better still ask for a username and add the missing bits or examples. :)

Also, you may notice that some of the pages have translations, if your native language isn't listed then it would be great if you could contact us here and we will create a username for you to translate into your language.


Important note to people updating the wiki: the API ref contains tags like GIDEROSMTD, GIDEROSOBJ, ... as comments. Don't remove them, and add them accordingly if you create new API. Gideros compilation scripts depend on these to collect API data, and they will be useful for any other script with similar purpose.
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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