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(SOLVED) Couldn't Get .apk — Gideros Forum

(SOLVED) Couldn't Get .apk

mertocanmertocan Member
edited April 2012 in General questions
I developed a small android game with gideros. However, when i exported it from gideros , the project didnt work on eclipse. It says "couldn't find *.apk" . The reason of this happen is not having license?


  • avoavo Member
    hmm, did you import the exported project like this?

    Deploying your application to Android devices

    Open your application with Gideros Studio.
    Export your application for Android (File → Export Project).
    Open Eclipse IDE and import the exported project to Eclipse using these steps:
    Go to File → Import
    Choose General → Existing Projects into Workspace
    Select root directory and choose the directory you used to export your application. Now the application is imported to Eclipse.
    Click on Run → Run. If your device is plugged to your computer, application will be installed to the device and run immediately.

    from: http://www.giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php/Deployment

    Likes: mertocan

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  • I think there is a connection problem between my comp. and device.
    I am getting this eror: "Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host "
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    If possible, start with a simple hello world application on Eclipse. This looks like there's an issue with adb. Searching on Google would help.

    Btw: did you try to run the game over wifi using Gideros Android Player? Usually exporting to Eclipse is one of the last steps during the development life cycle with Gideros Studio.
  • I searched on google but couldn't find a benefit result. Now i am updating the android tools and platforms rev19 and rev 11. Then i will try your advise.

    My project didnt finish but i tried it with Gideros Android Player. It works. I just wanted to learn how to get our apps to our devices. Because i want to send this app to my friends to get suggestions. Anyway, thanks for help , I will try to solve this problem:)
  • petecpetec Member
    When I need to send an apk to a friend for comments I do just as @avo describes above up to this point:

    Open your application with Gideros Studio.
    Export your application for Android (File → Export Project).
    Open Eclipse IDE and import the exported project to Eclipse using these steps:
    Go to File → Import
    Choose General → Existing Projects into Workspace
    Select root directory and choose the directory you used to export your application. Now the application is imported to Eclipse.

    Then, instead of clicking Run, I right click on the imported project in Eclipse and select:

    Adroid Tools → Export Signed Application Package and follow the prompts to export the apk.

    It does need a keystore to do that (I've never got anywhere with unsigned application packages) and for some reason I usually have to use Android Tools → Fix Project Properties before I do the above as I get errors when I import my project, but I do end up with an apk that I can send.

    Good luck!
  • thanks Petec but now i am getting this error.
    584 x 318 - 78K
  • petecpetec Member
    Oh - I'm sorry but I don't know why that has happened :(
    I'm really not sure what I'm doing with Eclipse and sort of blindly do what I outlined above and hope for the best. When it starts going wrong, then I haven't a clue.
    I assume that your project didn't show any errors in Eclipse before you tried to export the application? Sorry I can't be of more help.
  • Petec i got .apk file but when i install it to my device , app just shows the animation of "made by gideros" and closes. :S i am sick of with this problem ! :)
  • avoavo Member
    Sorry you are having so much trouble. Does it work when you export one of the simple examples included with Gideros? Like the jumping ball or something?
  • petecpetec Member
    I know the feeling! I've had that happen where the app ran fine in the player but not when I exported an apk and tried it on my phone. In my case it was a file name mismatch as I had a file name with an uppercase character (e.g. myFile) that I had referred to in my code all in lower case (e.g. myfile). It still ran OK in the player but caused just the same problem that you have on my phone. It could be worth looking for that type of error.

    Have you got the Gideros Player apk installed on your phone? It comes in the original Gideros download and allows you to play the app on your phone over wifi before you export it. If you have, that's the best way to try as it will report errors in the output window.

    Keep at it! I went through similar pains to begin with and thought I'd never manage, but I eventually got there. It's worth persevering as Gideros seems really good to me. I now never go near Corona, which I used to use, other than to lift code from old stuff I had written in it.

    Likes: atilim

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2012
    Addition to @avo, most probably you got a lua error. Can you look at the LogCat? Most probably you'll catch the error there.
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Mert wrote me in private that he solved his issue.
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Thanks Mert for the pointer.

    Why not give a short, maybe 45 min - 1 hour Gideros Studio introductory seminar in your school in a few weeks/months? I believe CS/CE students would be very interested with that. Starting with something small (10-15 slides about what Gideros Studio can do), followed by a small example, and telling about the community would be nice.
  • Okay i am going to do that , and if it will be interested , i can do it for the other universities in Izmir. Also , i can advertise my apk which will be released in 1 or 2 weeks:)
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