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Update ZeroBrane Studio to support luau-based Gideros versions — Gideros Forum

Update ZeroBrane Studio to support luau-based Gideros versions

keszeghkeszegh Member
edited September 2023 in General questions
If you don't know about it, ZeroBrane Studio (zbs in short) is a lua ide with many features, which worked very nicely with Gideros up to the point when Gideros switched to luau, which broke this connection. Although Gideros IDE is also much more capable than in the past, i still feel that zbs is a nice addition to our toolset (and i prefer to use even now for various - possibly partially subjective - reasons).

Following https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBraneStudio/issues/1129
i pinpoint 2 basic things that are not working as of now in ZeroBrane Studio:
-when opening the gideros player from zbs and then closing it, then when trying to open it again then it closes itself right after. one has to manually kill gdrdaemon task so that zbs can start the player.
-it would be nice to have live logging, now the printed messages only appear once the player is closed.

furthermore debugging was very efficient with zbs and would be nice to make it work again.
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