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raising a run time error! — Gideros Forum

raising a run time error!

GregBUGGregBUG Guru
edited April 2012 in Building a team?
hi! guys as always i start a new week with a new problem and i ask help at the comunity! ;)

in my new libs
i need to raise an error if the user pass a non valid argument to my class init...


main.lua code (user code)
-- TNT Virtual Pad for Gideros Mobile SDK
-- Example 1
local back = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("sfondo3.png"))
local vPad = CTNTVirtualPad.new(stage, "tntskinpad",  PADMODE.USERERROR, BUTTONS.ONE, 10)
---------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^ ERROR! not valid argument!
--vPad = vPad:free()
--vPad = nil
13 local vPad = CTNTVirtualPad.new(stage, "tntskinpad",  PADMODE.ANYVALUE, BUTTONS.ONE, 10)
PADMODE array of strings (it's a string)

can be:


in this case user entered "PADMODE.ANYVALUE" and my lib raise this error:

tntvirtualpad.lua:209: bad argument #3 (padStyle) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got nil)
Valid arguments are:

the code that generare the error is :
function CTNTVirtualPad:init(parentStage, TNTVPadSkinPack, padStyle, padButtons, buttonSpace)
	self.buttons = {}
	self.properties = {
		-- parent stage
		parent = parentStage,
		-- how buttons are defined (-1 none)
		buttonsCount = -1,
		-- load gfx Virtual pad pack
		skin = TexturePack.new(TNTVPadSkinPack .. ".txt", TNTVPadSkinPack .. ".png"),
		-- assign sprite analog pad
	if type(padStyle) ~= "string" then
		error("bad argument #3 (padStyle) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got " .. type(padStyle) .. ") \nValid arguments are:  \n'PADMODE.NO_STICK'\n'PADMODE.SINGLE_STICK'\n'PADMODE.DOUBLE_STICK'")
	if type(padButtons) ~= "string" then
		error("bad argument #4 (padButtons) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got " .. type(padButtons) .. ") \nValid arguments are:  \n'BUTTONS.NONE'\n'BUTTONS.ONE'\n'BUTTONS.TWO'\n'BUTTONS.THREE'\n'BUTTONS.FOUR'")
othere code here...
now my question is:

ok my code "catch" the error but the compiler raise the line number and the filename of of my lib... (yes i know the error is detected here...) but the code is fine... and the user can be lost and confused by this error...

the error is really in the main.lua at line 13 ...

is there a way to release the function caller line number and it's file name (in this case main.lua) ? not the function line where the error occurs ?

a nice error handling and report would be:

main.lua:13: bad argument #3 (padStyle) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got nil)
Valid arguments are:

(sorry but in'm not an expert lua coder)

ciao ciao

Dislikes: Ozzan

TNT ENGiNE for Gideors Studio - Particle Engine, Virtual Pad, Animator Studio, Collision Engine - DOWNLOAD NOW !!! IT'S FREE!!! -
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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Yes, you can specify the level http://pgl.yoyo.org/luai/i/error
    And you should use level 2 in your case:
    error("your error message", 2)

    Likes: ndoss

    +1 -1 (+1 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • thanks @atilim!!!!

    I ignored the existence of optional parameter of "error" message.

    with level 2
    the error showed is:

    [string "property.lua"]:164: bad argument #3 (padStyle) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got nil)
    Valid arguments are:

    what is "property.lua" ? :(

    but with level 3
    is correct: :D

    main.lua:13: bad argument #3 (padStyle) to 'CTNTVirtualPad New()' (string expected, got nil)
    Valid arguments are:

    TNT ENGiNE for Gideors Studio - Particle Engine, Virtual Pad, Animator Studio, Collision Engine - DOWNLOAD NOW !!! IT'S FREE!!! -
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    yay! :) property.lua is an internal lua file which contains the Gideros' class system.
  • ok.

    ciao ciao!!
    TNT ENGiNE for Gideors Studio - Particle Engine, Virtual Pad, Animator Studio, Collision Engine - DOWNLOAD NOW !!! IT'S FREE!!! -
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