I was trying deploying my app game on Android and iOS. With the Ads and Gaming Gideros plugins the exports works fine on both systems.
After upgrading my MacOS Catalina to the last revision 10.15.7 and reinstall the last Gideros Studio version 2020.12, the iOS export gave me the following errors building on Xcode (vs. 11.4.1):
- At first load of project on Xcode, I got a popup with "The folder images.xcassets doesn't exist."
- On the file Plugins > Gaming > Ads > AdsAdmob.h the line
@import GoogleMobileAds has a label with the error: Module 'GoogleMobileAds' not found

I usually export the iOS project without any addition on Xcode, all files seems to be right on the project.
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
I use the common admob code on examples for calling the ads. Not using the setAligment because I think it was only for banner ads.
It seem, the black canvas container should be fullscreen iPad for a right ad show. On Android not happens the same thing.
Now, I was testing with Gideros 2020.11.1
Any ideas what could?
Is there any way how to lock screen on LANDSCAPE MODE in the Admob processing library?
Regarding orientation issue, make sure you disabled autorotation and set your app orientation in the project properties so that it is taken into account as soon as possible.
Likes: MoKaLux, mcappp
I have kept a serie of test with Gideros 2020.9.1. Above this version, the dark theme of my Mac cause a conflict on Gideros IDE, the code can't be viewed properly.
Besides, use the Xcode 11.4.1 to run on my iOs Devices (iPad and iPhone 6 plus).
There is a little bugs that I not mentioned before:
- The Disable splash is checked on properties project, but Gideros splash is showing still. I can't get the way how to remove. No problems on Android.
- The Autorotation is set with "No autorotation" and I was using Landscape Left orientation configured at properties project. Not applying programmatically on the code, because I think has the same effect. Bad ads effect happens with this configuration and others I tried. But i have to said that the ads are only showed bad on my iPad device.
- On iPad, at the starting when a music background init, I hear a glitch. After that the app continues working fine. On my iPhone, the sound is not played in any way. Is muted. The iphone log:
Warning: Real sample count differs from given gapless sample count. Frankenstein stream?
Warning: Real sample count differs from given gapless sample count. Frankenstein stream?
[gideros] starting render thread.
[gideros] ending render thread.
Very strange, the app has years working fine on Gideros, but now I added the ads, and take notice of this little mal functions.
Likes: SinisterSoft, mcappp
I configured the splash on iOS properties and works fine.
The sound on my iPhone didn't sound because accidentally i turned off the ringer.
I want to deploy on an iPhone Max Pro 11, but the project doesn't run on Xcode 11.4. So, I downloaded the last versions Gideros 2020.12 and XCode 12.2.
Once the project is on Xcode this error is showing, i'm not a XCode developer, i think it seems simple, but i have no idea what could move on Xcode project to fix the error.
You can also try to fix it directly in your exported project:
1° Make sure GoogleMobileAds is in the path. A trick that worked for me was to go to projects general settings, scroll down to the Framework listing and chnage GoogleMobileAds to 'Embed', try to launch, and switch it back to what it was before (non embed).
2° If that solved the issue with GoogleMobileAds not found, you should now face two more code issues in AdsAdMob.m, related to ARC. Just comment out the offending lines (interstitial_=nil and view_=nil).
That should do it.
On portrait mode the interstitial looks fine:
On landscape mode the interstitial doesn't match on the canvas container. It's a pity because my game is landscape. I can't figure how to change that width canvas in order to get the full ad inside it.
On others apps from the store we could see the adds on fullscreen.
Maybe I will have to publish only as a iPhone app