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Liquidfun platformer — Gideros Forum

Liquidfun platformer

MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
edited April 2020 in Game & application design
I am building a platformer template for all to use (pros and noobs alike).
Tell me what you think :)
An example:
	elseif objectName == "lava" and application:getDeviceInfo() ~= "Web" then
		if object.shape == "polygon" then
			myshape = LF_Particles.new(self.world, self.camera, {
				x = object.x, y = object.y,
				coords = object.polygon, rotation = object.rotation,
				tex = "gfx/ui/btn_02_up.png",
		elseif object.shape == "rectangle" then
			myshape = LF_Particles.new(self.world, self.camera, {
				x = object.x, y = object.y,
				w = object.width, h = object.height, rotation = object.rotation,
				tex = "gfx/ui/btn_02_up.png",
		elseif object.shape == "ellipse" then
			myshape = LF_Particles.new(self.world, self.camera, {
				w = object.width, h = object.height, rotation = object.rotation,
			print("*** CANNOT PROCESS THIS SHAPE! line ~134 ***")
Gravity is set to 48 instead of 9.8, Liquidfun is very tricky!
Will post my progress here if you don't mind.
PS: thanks to antix who told me to use Tiled in my platformers as well as providing some code to start off, thanks to rrraptor for his camera <3
PS2: thanks to ALL of you as well :)
PS3: viva GIDEROS!
my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
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