It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
local mybtn02 ={ imgup="gfx/ui/btn_03.png", text="B\nU\nT\nT\nO\nN", font=g_font1, fontsize=32, textcolorup=mytextcolorup, textcolordown=mytextcolordown, imagepaddingx=64, imagepaddingy=32 }) |
Likes: pie, antix, oleg, SinisterSoft
PS: one problem though, if you move the mouse too quickly the tooltip will remain on screen, the same on mobiles!
PS2: I have removed the TOUCH event listeners as they seem not necessary
Any improvements would be much appreciated
Is using mouse hover in an app a frame killer?
For example I have this code to check if a button is hovered with the mouse:
Viva gideros!
EDIT: it is valid code only if you use it correctly:
I am becoming good at it
Likes: MoKaLux
When mouse is moved translate its coords to grid coords, then pick all objects in that grid rect and check for "hitTestPoint". This method is used in bump.
Actually, you can use bump itself to speed things up
Likes: MoKaLux
I like it because once I know what buttons I need I can program them in gideros and then modify the UI as I wish for both size and position.
I use it a lot in gideros (box2d, r3d, cbump, now GUI) thanks to antix for showing me how to use it.
I think I will use it using imgui as well.
Likes: antix
I have one question though, do you know if that is how it should feel (from a game design / UX perspective)?
See below post, thank you
Likes: oleg
you can dowload it from my GH
and have a feel of it on
Tell me how it feels (UX)
Likes: MoKaLux
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I need to check it again and come back here
thanks for the feedback, much appreciated oleg
Likes: oleg
If you require performance for ingame buttons then you should be using some sort of GUI management system.
Likes: MoKaLux
I called my buttons MONSTER and BEAST, they handle:
Thanks a lot for your help here on the forum, really appreciated
Those buttons could be a good start before polishing them further.
Time to move on
Likes: antix