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Ads plugin data confusion. — Gideros Forum

Ads plugin data confusion.

koeosstudiokoeosstudio Member
edited September 2019 in Plugins
First time implementing ads and I am totally confused on the admobs plugin. Can anybody explain how it works for admob?
Here's the situation I want to add admob ads using the plugin:
1. What is application ID in the plugin? Is it something like this "ca-app-pub-6171539406152167~4146545266"? Should I copy it from my admob and just paste it in the application id area?
2. What is the admob client key? Is it like this? "ca-app-pub-6171539406152167/8057870501"?
3. Does admob banner key the same as the admob client key? If admob banner key and admb client key is not the same, where should I get the banner key?
4. If I use the admob:setKey() function, does it change the app id, client key , or banner key??

I am totally confused, please help. Thanks a lot.


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