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Exporting To HTML not working with classes — Gideros Forum

Exporting To HTML not working with classes

Hey, I've been playing around with exporting to HTML. I have several classes I've written which I 'require' in my main.lua.

When I try to run the exported project I get "module '' not found". I've moved the requires around and none of the classes are working. Everything runs fine on my iOS player and mac player.

Am I suppose to specifically tell Gideros to export my classes or something?

Also, odd thing is, I am using LiquidFun and that .js file is created and seems to import fine into the project as it is the first requirement.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Anyone else having this issue?
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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    Gideros merges all your lua file into a single file by default, so that you don't usually need to require() them. If you do want to load them by yourself, you need to 'Exclude them from execution' (right click on the file in gideros studio to see this option). This tells gideros to NOT execute this file by default, and as a consequence it won't be merged into a single file during export either.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • Wow, that was a fast response! When starting with Gideros I wasn't sure how the forums would be but so far you guys have been great!

    I did what you said and everything worked great! Thanks for such a quick response!
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