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Getting Chartboost & Vungle working through Ads Interface — Gideros Forum

Getting Chartboost & Vungle working through Ads Interface

I was planning to use multiple ad networks through AdMob's mediation, but that seems to require some adapters that aren't included in the Ads interface, so I'm working on using them directly. Unity Ads and AppLovin worked just fine, but I get no ads or events from Vungle or Chartboost.

In the Ads plugin properties, I've checked "Enable Chartboost support" and "Enable Vungle support", as with other ad networks. This code appears to work:

chartboost = Ads.new("chartboost")
vungle = Ads.new("vungle")

Calling Ads.new() with a typo in the ad network name crashes the app in the Ads interface code, so I can rule that out. Then these lines run without issue, and I've triple checked the parameter values:

chartboost:setKey(chartboost_app_id, chartboost_app_sig)

I add event listeners to those for all the Ads interface events. Based on the Ads documentation, and how AdMob, Unity Ads and AppLovin ads work, I'd expect events (AD_RECEIVED, AD_FAILED, etc) from either of these lines:


and I'd expect events and/or an actual ad from either of these lines:


However, I get no events and no ads from either attempting to loading show ads.

So what am I missing? Are Chartboost and/or Vungle dependent on some other setting in the project? Or are there steps I might be missing in configuring those accounts? They seem to be correctly setup, and AdMob mediation accepted the parameters I have for those networks, when I was trying to use them via mediation.

Any ideas?

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