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Can I implement a 3rd party SDK in the exported Android project? — Gideros Forum

Can I implement a 3rd party SDK in the exported Android project?

Hey team!

Is it possible for me to implement a 3rd party SDK once the project has been exported and opened in Android Studio? I don't need any action to be happening inside the app to trigger anything, I just need the SDK to do its thing when the app is running.

I tried to add the SDK I downloaded from GitHub and placed in ./app/libs/the-sdk as an imported Gradle project into my Android Studio project and updated the dependencies and buildscript as per their instructions but that didn't quite work out.

It's worth noting I'm a bit of an Android Studio noob, I've got more of an Xcode background.

This is the thing I'm trying to implement:

They reckon I'm trying to compile the SDK instead of adding it as a dependency but really I'm trying to add it as a dependency.

I thought we were able to add 3rd party things outside of the Lua code right? (I figured getting the Lua bits talking to the Android bits is what gets you the big bucks but not relevant to me in this scenario)

Likes: antix

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  • antixantix Member
    @Astirian it is possible but the process of making a plug-in doesn't seem to be very smooth currently.

    Likes: Astirian

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  • Thanks @antix, I'm getting closer but I've come up against this:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider net.grandcentrix.tray.provider.TrayContentProvider: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "net.grandcentrix.tray.provider.TrayContentProvider" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.astirianraegames.blastdwarf-pn5k06Y0PIvr2rozMWvIlw==/base.apk"
  • Appcoins? I wonder what is the future of cryptocurrencies in games.
    Will there be something truly 'revolutionary', besides in-app purchases alternative.

    Few days ago "Fairlayer" was announced by young genius Egor Homakov (who hacked github). It claims to be the first practically usable and secure cryptocurrency (unlike yet another countless shitcoins).

    Likes: Astirian

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  • BTW he was looking for an SDK for upcoming Fairlayer mobile app.
    Is Gideros suitable for such purposes (I don't know much about encryption opportunities, particularly in Gideros), or straight Android Studio is mandatory?
    It seems that Fairlayer has big potential.
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
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