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BUG: Monospace fonts not consistent with new Font updates in 2017.10/11 — Gideros Forum

BUG: Monospace fonts not consistent with new Font updates in 2017.10/11

EricCarrEricCarr Member
edited November 2017 in Bugs and issues
Found another bug with the text handling. Ever since the cool new layout changes, it seems sometimes my mono-spaced fonts are not lining up.

If you run the below in a mono-spaced font, then * at the end should all match up like you see below. But they do not. It seems that the space (" ") might be the issue. Part of my game relies on mono-spaced fonts to actually be mono-spaced (simulating old computers), which now does not happen.

And yes, I tried a lot of different layout options. They don't seem to effect the actual width of a character.

Hope it's an easy fix! :)

Here, you can see the stars on the right side aren't lining up like they should:

text = [[
*                                        *
*            CONGRATULATIONS!            *
*            CONGRATULATIONS             *
*            CONGRATS                    *
*                                        *
local textfield=TextField.new(font,text)
Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 5.14.22 PM.png
1532 x 312 - 71K

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