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Exporting to Desktop, Windows & Mac OS - Resolution Considerations. — Gideros Forum

Exporting to Desktop, Windows & Mac OS - Resolution Considerations.

AstirianAstirian Member
edited June 2017 in General questions
Hi guys,

I was wondering about the possibility of releasing to desktop. More specifically, how to handle resolution considerations. If I create an app in 800x600 for example, would I just do something as simple as this pseudo-code to manage resolution/full-screen?:
if (Application:getDeviceInfo == "Windows" or Application:getDeviceInfo == "Mac OS") then
    Application:setWindowSize(width, height)
I'm basically considering desktop-ifying my mobile games eventually, just wondering what would be the best way to do it. I'd imagine Landscape mode games would be the most suitable... (maybe not so much for the Mac and Windows Stores but definitely for Steam ;))).

Bonus question: Would/Should I do a similar thing (assuming this is the best approach), if I wanted to publish to html5 sites? Or does the html5 exporter handle most of that stuff anyway? I know very little about html5 apart from that weird forum hidden board thing to find the vendors (from the other post I read... Can't seem to find it now).


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