We are pleased to announce that Gideros 2017.4.1 is now available.
Here to download and donate to the cause
EnhancementsSupport alpha only textures for fonts to reduce memory requirement
Switch to freetype 2.7.1 to improve font rendering
Allow numerical value for TTFont smoothing
Propagate mouse buttons into touch events and add modifiers
Use VBO more wisely
Add a method to control VBO usage (Shader.enableVBO())
gdrbridge now accepts a port in addition to ip in play command
Gideros StudioSort content of .gproj file to ease git/svn merging
Export systemDo not encrypt mp3 on iOS and android (background player)
WinRT/UWPWinRT export is now XAML based
Support pubcenter ads (microsoft advertising)
Plugin scripts for all supported plugins
Show/Hide virtual keyboard on winrt
HTML5Player mode support
Allow to post gideros events from javascript side
Implement getLanguage()
Allow packed and original versions: tradeoff between size and memory requirements
Allow unencrypted but host locked scripts to share the same key
Display app errors in HTML
PluginsMedia: Add 'getFile' and 'saveFile' methods for desktop
Require: Add support for 2.1 screens
FixesPlugin/Camera: Fix cleanup for iOS
Plugin/Microphone: fix initialisation on Android
Likes: SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: hgy29
Likes: keszegh
Likes: hgy29, antix, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: hgy29
[-] Liasoft
It's taken a huge effort by @hgy29, the whole player had to be rewritten. I've heard there is good money to be made from WinRT ads so please let us know how you get on.
Likes: HubertRonald, MobAmuse
thanks again for all the people who keep working on gideros core.
Likes: john26, HubertRonald, antix, stetso, MobAmuse, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
A stupid question too?
I know recently there is visual studio for mac (not VS code) so is possible make an windows phone app or windows app with it... i haven't much experience with this platform... so thank for any feedback.
Also +1 as @keszegh said: "thanks again for all the people who keep working on gideros core."
[-] Liasoft
Likes: HubertRonald
Here are the changes:
* fix sound not playing on Android/x86
* fix gdrbridge/gdrdeamon not working
* Use VBO more wisely : better performances in some cases
* Add a method to control VBO usage (Shader.enableVBO())
* Improve getFile/saveFile in media plugin for QT
* gdrbridge now accepts a port in addition to ip in play command
Thanks for using gideros, and thanks to those who reported the bugs and helped fixing them.
Likes: keszegh, SinisterSoft, MobAmuse, HubertRonald, antix
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
When I exported my project from Gideros to Android Studio automatically I got the next error:
Well I tried to do the following:
Clean project -> Rebuild Project
(Build located in the toolbar)
Without any success...
Somebody's had the same problem that me or maybe you've some idea like fix it... Any feedback thanks
[-] Liasoft
It looks like this plugin is using deprecated API and I don't know yet how to upgrade it. Any help would be welcome.
I reckon we should disable it until it actually works.
Likes: totebo, HubertRonald, SinisterSoft
[-] Liasoft
EDIT: i've found that it's at event.touch.modifiers but it should be documented nevertheless.
Likes: antix, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game