I'm trying to set the mass on a dynamic body in Box2D. I do this by calculating density for each fixture when I create it. This works fine for some fixture combos, but not others. When it works the mass is the same, regardless of the size of the object (which is the purpose of this). When it doesn't work the mass differs wildly.
Is there a different way of setting mass? A body:setMass() method would be awesome of course, but such luxuries don't appear to exist.
Found this, but probably not applicable to Gideros:
I remember wanting to do something like that change an object to dynamic to static or kinetic once created: Change Body Properties
So I think, it would be necessary to go into detail to that because the truth I don't write Lua since 2.5 years ago... And yeah! today @SinisterSoft made me remember that
[-] Liasoft