I found some unexpected behaviour from windows player in 2016.08
(I had the openGL bug in previous release if this can be somehow related)
-At the first startup gideros player works perfectly;
if I close it and relaunch it it won't show the info in the corner and in worst cases (randomly?) it remains blank and I can't see a thing (output window seems still working though, and the player won't crash).
The "good thing" is that if I reboot my system I can use it again.

-I believe that something happened with Orientation and scale modes: see screenshots
Bird Animation example returns different visual outputs between 2016.04 and 2016.08
it seems to me that portrait and landscape are inverted and stretch scaling mode is not applied
thank you
Try deleting the player settings, on my system they are at C:\Users\Anthony\AppData\Roaming\GiderosMobile
It's the GiderosPlayer.ini file.
if it works for you on win7 I am going to check if I'm missing some driver update
It seems to be working well after some updates I was missing to my video card drivers and windows - don't know which one did the trick.
Thank you
I correct me.. something is still wrong on a random base: the player won't crash, the output is working, but the window remains white.
Is there something that I could check if I am missing on my laptop to help identify the issue?