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Facebook dialogue on its side in landscape mode (IOS 8 and above only) — Gideros Forum

Facebook dialogue on its side in landscape mode (IOS 8 and above only)

NatWobbleNatWobble Member
edited July 2016 in General questions
Hi guys. Does anyone have any experience with the Facebook share dialogue (login/share etc) in landscape on iOS 9? It thinks it's in portrait and appears on its side. It's fine on Android and on iOS 7. I've looked through all the files in Xcode and can't see any orientation settings I can change etc. There was an orientation bug fix in version 3.18 the Facebook SDK (Gideros is bundled with 3.14) so I updated it to the latest 3.x but still no luck. Thanks


  • I got to the bottom of it. We have a paid version and a free version that we are currently testing. For some reason, when Facebook does the login it switches from the free version to the paid version (??). The dialogue was shown on its side because the paid version still had the 3.14 version (bundled with Gideros).

    Facebook always switches to whichever version of the app was installed first and seems to ignore the com.xxx.xxx. We are sharing the app ID in both versions which is probably the issue. Anyway, I'm not so worried about that.

    So basically you need the latest 3.x SDK.
  • simwhisimwhi Member
    In addition to the above, I got v3.23.1 of the facebook SDK working on Android.

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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