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iOS - Admob and MouseDown Events — Gideros Forum

iOS - Admob and MouseDown Events

ChrisFChrisF Member
edited January 2016 in General questions
So... got another weird one and admob is probably coincidental.

I have admob in my framework as my catchall ad network (if all else fails).
It's the first ad network I have put in place on my iOS build - not done the rest yet.
So I was testing it on iOS today and encountered a very strange problem.

Basically after completing a level an advert is shown but also on the screen is the 'next' button (using the normal button.lua class I found on here). This obviously triggers lots of scene change, things getting cleared etc.

If I let the advert display and then press the next button all is good, if however I am impatient and press the 'next' button before the advert is shown BUT the advert kicks in before everything is done when it returns to Gideros everything continues as it should but I never receive mousedown events.
I have put print statements in,all touch and mouse events - I still get the touch down events - but no mouse events are triggered. I can even exit the app and come back in again and it does not resolve.

Should I be adding/removing the event listeners or something

Weird thing number 2 - don't have the problem on Android.


  • Ok - so I have programmed around it for now by updating my button classes to work off touch rather than mouse events - still would like to know why the mouse events stop though
  • hmm, so you say, after such situation occurs, you don't get any mouse events at all?
    Thats really interesting, have not occured anything like that.

    Do you think it happens specifically on Admob? or rather on any ad framework?
  • I have not put any other Ad network in place and I only have Admob running test adverts.
    It is really weird, trouble is it's in the middle of complete game so not easy to post code!

    I will see if I can make a simple example tomorrow.
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