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Showing interstitial between scenes — Gideros Forum

Showing interstitial between scenes

yubaroyubaro Member
edited December 2015 in General questions
Hi guys, please help me, How showing interstitial between scenes?. Not when a scene already loaded. I'm using SceneManager.


  • I place the show interstitial call on scene ExitBegin event
  • I got an email from admob, disabling the interstitials by bad implementation.
    I use interstitial on scene enterEnd event.

    Disallowed interstitial implementations:


    Accordingly, should be implemented between scenes.
  • @yubaro unfortunately I haven't released my ads supported game yet, so I can't tell you if my implementation would be considered "bad" - but I recall that I used enterEnd at first, then changed it with exitBegin because I didn't like the "feel" of it. :)

    I think that your case fall in "Interstitial launches after page load" because enterEnd is dispatched at the end of the scene change, at the beginning of the new scene.
    I may be wrong but there should be no issue if you move it to exitBegin - since you would be at the "end" of the previous scene.

  • yubaroyubaro Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks @pie,

    Here two images clearly showing should be inserted as interstitial. And as I understand it must be between scenes and not in the scene.

    737 x 414 - 129K
    662 x 404 - 99K
  • @yubaro if you use sceneManager I think there always is a scene on stage.
    I would give exitBegin a try. :)

    I don't think that the problem is the interstitial pause on a scene, but the user perception of it.
    I switched from enterEnd (without knowledge of this google disallowance) because it felt "bad" to see the (just loaded) next scene suddenly interrupted by an interstitial.
    It seems much better to me to show the interstitial just before the next scene appears - namely still at the end of the previous scene - but when user already choose to switch to another scene.

    You could also try adding an "interstitial scene" to pass through on scene change, but I don't think it would have a better feel for the user.
    Just guessing though, I could say more as soon as I release my game and get my own admob reprimand :D
  • yubaroyubaro Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks @pie, I will try your recommendations. One questions, how do you do when you call the pause menu?
  • @yubaro how do I do what exactly? :)
    if you mean how do I avoid to show interstitials during pause, my pause menu is not a scene, but a Sprite in my game level scene. I just show it over when pause button is pressed - no call to showInterstitial.

    I also have a property in my admanager (which contains all the logic to show/load/hide ads based on their availability) to avoid showing interstitials if these are received too late and risk to be displayed during game.
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