I'm missing a
showLeaderboards() (pay intention to the small s

) in
@ar2rsawseen Google Play plugin - which by the way works pretty flawless so far - thanks

. But I came across some issue.
googleplay:showLeaderboard(id) opens Google Play with the requested leaderboard easily. In the top left corner there is an arrow pointing to the left like meaning
back. I expected to be directed back to the list of available leaderboards, but instead I'll be taken back to the app. Whoops! Now, how can I reach the other leaderboards?
I took a look at Google's docs and found this:
https://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/gms/games/leaderboard/Leaderboards.html#getAllLeaderboardsIntent(com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiClient)Maybe this is what I'm looking for, but what seems to be missing in the Google Play plugin. Or am I doing something wrong

Thanks a lot in advance for your help
Will try to add it