howdy friends
this is my first post over here
i am trying gideros since last two weeks approx may be plus or minus two ot three days and i ended up with this my first gideros game with the gideros is super fun some fetures are really killing like instance testing, export assets, and terrible perfomance

to be honest i had not even thought about such blasting features.
ok now actually after making the app is live i found that there are some edge related problem when object rotates seems i am missing something like anti aliasing or something else not know exactly i was under impression that putting true at the time of loading texture is enough if some one knows hot to solve please let me know
The secret for antialising is the filter option when you load a texture:, filtering, options)
Installing your game now, thanks for all the efforts and choosing Gideros Studio :-) We appreciate it!
@mikehart does something like this?
local pack ="anim.txt", "anim.png")
local img ="anim_01.png"),true)
i think i am doing same thing not sure though will chk it once i go to home on job currently.
oh yes actually i have everything (gfx and music) with me from my previous game save the animal so i have to actually just put some object here and there and with instance testing its really too much easy
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
will send you apk tonight
To enable filtering, you should load texture atlas like:
ahh thanks seems i have to update tonight i have not done that surely
i had one in my mobile sent on your gmail address
I've updated the game from Android Market. Now the graphics look much more smooth.
previously i had putted true at wrong position
Just glad I could find something else to use to make code I can test without having to go out and buy more hardware.
Well done.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
inside works too smooth.
and welcome here