Hi! I migrate from the old jar to new Google Play lib Admob plugin. My problem is long time to load banner - 60s or more. On old libraries banners load very quickly (few seconds). What is wrong? Please help.
I also migrated to the Google Play library and the same happens to me. I even have to wait for interstitials making them disappear before even showing up. However, I was a bit relieved when a friend of mine sent me a video he recorded of my game. For him the ads showed okay. Still I don't know what's the problem, though.
I have no problem with interstitials.
Can you share AdMob.java code? I want to compare the code.
Or maybe a difference between debug/test enabled version and release/production version?
Because I could only guess, but on debug/test version, ads are maybe not preloaded and cached, cause that would make sense for testing purposes
I found this link:
and I solved the problem: