i play with box2d physic engine. I created world with 9.8 gravityy and true for sleep. I close the phone screen with chain shape. Lastly i create a ball with 100px radius. It's perfectly works no problem but i play with numbers about Fixtures. We have 3 options density, friction, restitution. I understand friction and restitution but i don't understand density. i change it to 1 and after that to 1000 but i can't see any changes in world. What does do, what it is
please explain, help ?
area depends on the size, but air balloon and metal ball can be the same size, but their weight/mass is different. So this is what density does, allows you to differentiate same size objects between air balloon and metal ball providing kg/m^2
I understand the what is density mean thats not problem but i still don't understand what density make in box2d world. I create 2 circle one of them density is "1" and the other density is "2". I start the world and two circle fall down at the same time. Where is the difference ?
What will change is how much impulse or force you need to apply to get this object up.
Adding 'linearDamping' and 'rotationalDamping' to a body's properties will produce an air friction or drag like effect.
You could also use the 'gravityScale' body property to adjust the amount of world gravity applied to a single body.