hi guys!!!
after some days of headaches and coding, coding, coding ...
finally my particle engine is almost done...
I'm really proud to show you the 2nd preview of my particle engine
(codename "TNT Particle Engine")
my main goal is not a supercharged/sexy/candy engine but a fast, light and easy to use engine
optimized for realtime mobile games...
(got 59fps on my galaxy s, 59 fps on huawei u8650 armv6 600Mhz)
not yet tested on iOs devices... sorry...
i'm really amazed by Gideros Speed... and my engine speed

the key features are:
- unlimited emitters
- unlimited particle definitions
- every emitter can have unlimited particle groups
- global and local coordinate system (for emitters/particles)
- Particles speed Morph
- Particles color Morph
- Particles size Morph
- Particles alpha Morph
- Particles rotation Morph
- Particles directions Morph
- Particles displacement
- controllable particles loops (infinite or user defined)
- Particles gravity (not yet implemented)
- raise events when emitter start, ends, etc (not yet implemented)
- user definible effects... (not yet implemented)
- and many more... (not yet implemented ??)

hope you like it
here is the video:

....coming soon....
next days i'm adding missing features, cleaning code, writing some other examples and writing simple docs
then i'll release it!
ciao ciao
So any restriction on compatabilities? What Gideros Studio supported, are there any paltform restrictions?
Plans for licensing, pricing?
thanks guys for the positive feedback!!!
developed with gideros studio beta8 and 2012.2 no platform restrictions.
for now I have no idea if it will be free or not!!! :-/ (but i prefer donation-ware)
i developed it only for fun! (i'm not a professional developer in real life i'm a computer/ repair technician).
Likes: mykyl66
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com
Well done!
just added gravity to particles engine...
tonight new video with example 5 "magic funtain"
Likes: chipster123, MikeHart
example 5 "magic funtain" (with and without gravity) 220 particles in action at 59fps!
now go to bed!
tomorrow: raise events! and clean code (try to optimize more)
ciao ciao
Likes: moopf, atilim, mykyl66
Color Points example:
or link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6xyg5ZWRHNY
Likes: gorkem
alpha morph in/out + displacement and colors ;;) (150 particles)
beta testers are you ready ?
need to add some 3 little effects and it's ready for beta test.
hope to finish this week-end!!!
stay tuned!!!
Likes: chipster123, gorkem, avo
and i try to semplify at maxiumus the use of engine...
this is the sources of last example:
it's easy or i need to semplify more ?
The only thing that seems a little odd is that you need to add an event listener to update the particles - surely the particle system should take care of that?
you can assign as many particles definition to emmitters and you can have many emitter you like.
for now at run time you can change emitters postition, angle (and all attached particles) and for particles
position (local to emitter) rotation, direction, speed. but i plat to add major control for every particle.
yes, you need to add
in your main game loop (for every emitter in the scene)
i plan to add something like "emitter:updateAll(deltaTime)"
to update all the active emitters in the scene. but i'm not sure.
now thinking to add the option to uptade emitters by particles system.
you think is better ?
thanks i try to make as easy possible. but i need you feedback and tips.
I do think that the particle system should update the emitters, yes. It's generally a good thing to keep the updating enclosed in the "black box", so as a user I just use start(), stop() etc. to control the particles - I shouldn't have to add my own updating setup once I've done start(), the particle system should take care of that for me. Much more user-friendly.
mmm... new work for me @-)
ok. i try to add this... (tonight because now i'm at work!!!)
just added!!
thanks @moopf for the tips!
now sources look like this:
if some one can test and feedback on performaces... (really interessed on cheap devices)
(sorry only android!)
here is it:
(hey your tablet is a1GHz dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor) it's very powerful!!
yes i'm interested. when you can test please tell me the results.