I had developed Hilbert Plotter program written in C# some years ago. See wikipedia ref:
Hilbert Curve. Thought I'd try to rewrite the program in Lua for Gideros player. It took me about a week to finish the job. Boy, I learned a lot.
Started with a very simple program, drawing a curve of the first order. This was easy. Then, I added a Point class (developed by myself) for larger plots, other than the first order. I got a problem with a larger plot. It smeared the screen. Guessed Lua was too slow for the big pictures. I did not give up. Ain't no quitter. With my brain working hard, I finally found a solution. I merely broke the plot into many small subplots, drawing a subplot a time. The newly developed program worked for all orders up to the 8th! Note: the plot for the 8th order contains 65,536 points!
Next, I added a Slider class (also, developed by myself). That was not easy task. After studying Gideros' Button class closely, I finally finished it. It worked as expected. I used the class to create two sliders: one for changing the order to higher or lower in the range of [1, 8] and the other for changing the plotting speed,from zero to full speed. Boy, it was fun developing and watching my work plotting the curve.
The screen shot:

You will find the attached below. The zip file contains everything needed for you to try the plotter. Hope you would like it.
Thank you.
I've tested it (a little) and when I chose Hilbert Curve, Order of 8, seem this was forming the Triangle Sierpinski. I do not have much experience in issue of fractals.
[-] Liasoft
I never have seen the so-called Sierpinski Triangle here. I got nearly all black at the 8th order as expected.
Likes: HubertRonald
maybe I saw it because I was without my glasses :-B and it's late for this side of planet
Likes: john26
[-] Liasoft