Sorry for all the posts over the last few days, I'm trying to piece things together from the API and searching on the forum but there are some things that I just can't find an answer for.
This one should be a simple yes or no

Is there any way to turn off autocomplete in the IDE for Gideros? I've never been a fan of autocomplete and tend to turn it off in all IDEs I use - in Gideros I'm finding that it's more of a pain because I'm having to press return twice when getting to the end of a line - once to get rid of the autocomplete, once to go to a new line. At the very least one return should cancel the autocomplete box and actually go to a new line I guess.
I know lots of people like autocomplete but is there any way to turn it off at the moment? It's ruining my flow

I can't see any preferences in the app so I'm guessing the answer is no.
If it is no, any chance it'll be added?
You can partly turn off autocompletion by renaming/deleting Resources/gideros_annot.api file. Hopefully it helps.