I have created an expansion file and tested it on my kindle, it worked fine,
But since I were testing it I changed the name to:
and I used the same name to upload it to google play,but somebody got an error.
should I use just:
myexpansionPackage.zip to upload it?since google rename it.
I have kindle so I can not access google play to test downloading it.
we have to implement the licencing permission into our app,in case it did not download the expansion while it is downloading the package.
This another way of implementing it.
I do not used java that much.any body figured this out let me know.
So did it work out for you?
This is what I found on google site,
1.When your application starts, look for the expansion files on the shared storage location (in the Android/obb// directory).
If the expansion files are there, you're all set and your application can continue.
If the expansion files are not there:
Perform a request using Google Play's Application Licensing to get your app's expansion file names, sizes, and URLs.
Use the URLs provided by Google Play to download the expansion files and save the expansion files. You must save the files to the shared storage location (Android/obb//) and use the exact file name provided by Google Play's response.
Note: The URL that Google Play provides for your expansion files is unique for every download and each one expires shortly after it is given to your application."
the person used Samsung note 10.1,and he got the same error while downloading the full pkg from amazon,so I imagine it might be something else,but it clearly states here that licensing is necessary,or it might be the android version that I am using to export the package.what do you recommend to set my project build target to?
by the way this is the screen shot form Samsung note 10.1 from the buyer.
Those white areas are a black and white texture that I set on "add" blend mode to create rays of lights.
I have to say this is a very heavy scene considering it might also load two 2048 textures.
But blend mode seems on this phone to fail.
It looks great on mine,but mine has a lower screen res and just loads up the 1024 backgrounds.
Dose blend mode set to fail if the phone runs out of memory?
I set color transform on that png like this,I have gone way over the values,
I know the limit is 1,but I did not get any problem on my own phone ,I have a strong feeling this causes the problem.
Because from the screen shot I can tell there are lots of blend modes which are working fine.
Will here @atilim's feedback on Monday, but if there is an option for you to run the test, it would be great