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My First Non-Game app with Gideros — Gideros Forum

My First Non-Game app with Gideros

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited April 2014 in Announcements
I am happy to announce the approval (and soon to be available on the Apple App Store) non-game app made using GiderosSDK called Re-Counter https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/recounter/id850985110?ls=1&mt=8

The app is a simple counter or rather upto 4 on-screen counters that can be used to count anything, scores, vehicles, people, etc. The idea behind it is to demonstrate that Gideros can be used for non-gaming apps too. Since the app is simple, no plug-ins are used (though they are compiled with the plug-ins as I could not remove them without errors at the time).

Some things to note are the gestures - Long Press, I had Double Tap; worked for a single counter, but when touches are across multiple counters, it worked quite erratic. The sliding Menu Popup Colour picker (limited). The app was more so for demonstrating a couple of things. There could be a series of articles that document the easy and not so easy bits that were experienced while making this app including the issues and the work arounds for the weird font glitch.

I do not have an Android version because there are issues with the values that are returned by the Android device. I do not have all android devices to test the app. The issues can be noted here at http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/4703/results-returned-when-using-getdevicewidth-and-getdeviceheight-on-androids#Item_7

This is not the app that I am holding my breath to make it to the charts. Screenshots can be seen in an earlier post at http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/4698/truetype-fonts-issues#Item_9

The next app or a newer version could have more features and functionality, let's see.

I forgot to mention, you can save the counters and the settings, the counters can be set to count upwards in increments of 1 or custom increments. Swiping left is a gesture that decrements the counter by 1 or a custom value if you so choose. Long Press resets the counter to the start value which can also be set according to a custom set values. The colours and the label of the counter can be changed too.
twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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