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Creating a clickable grid ? — Gideros Forum

Creating a clickable grid ?

craynerdcraynerd Member
edited March 2014 in Game & application design
Hello, I`m a school teacher (Chemistry not computing) and have recently purchased a number of raspberry pi`s. The 6th form (older students) have got really into it and we have been working together in python to actually make a grid game they created. It works great and is a really lovely game but in python, looks terrible and is difficult to improve and make better and way too hard to move to android or other platforms. A friend recommended gideros and I`ve been playing with it all day but struggling.
I feel we can start coding the main game ideas but we can not create a clickable grid in which to base the game! The game will use a variable size grid and I just want to be able to click a square and it goes blue then next player clicks on a square and it goes red.
In Pygame we setup the grid defining pixel sizes but I`ve been told that using gideros I should be using "box shape" sprites.
I`m/we`re really stuck and would really appreciate any help just getting this off the ground. I`m sure when the "board" is created we will be able to code the rest of the game structure.

Any help much appreciated.



  • drawRect was posted by @hgvyas123
    function drawRect(left,top,width,height)
    	local shape = Shape.new()
    	shape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0xff0000, 0.8)
    	shape:lineTo(left + width, top)
    	shape:lineTo(left + width, top+height)
    	shape:lineTo(left, top+height)
    	return shape
    function changeColor(event)
    	local t = event:getTarget()
    	if(t:hitTestPoint(event.x, event.y)) then
    		t:setColorTransform(0, 1, 0)
    local tx = 0
    local ty = 0
    local s = 50
    local temp
    local gap = 5	--Change the gap between the nodes
    local cols = 5	--Number of columns in the grid
    local totalNodes = 50	--Total number of nodes in the grid
    for i=1,totalNodes do
    	temp = drawRect(tx,ty,s,s)
    	tx = tx + s + gap
    	temp:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, changeColor)
    	if(i%cols == 0) then
    		ty = ty + s + gap
    		tx = 0

    Likes: hgvyas123

    Loon Games LinkedIn Facebook Twitter - "Something bit me, gaah!"
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  • function drawRect(left,top,width,height)
    	local shape = Shape.new()
    	shape:setFillStyle(Shape.SOLID, 0xffffff, 0.5)
    	shape:lineTo(width, 0)
    	shape:lineTo(width, height)
    	shape:lineTo(0, height)
    	return shape
    this one should be the right one :)
  • @craynerd,
    Interesting name, does it come from the CRAY computers?

    Anyways on your question, you will get plenty of different ways to do this, here's mine

    You can use a bitmap, and color it white.
    Now set that up on the screen in the grid you want
    tileName = "tile.png" -- use whatever you saved your tile as
    rows = 10 -- use whatever height you want
    cols = 10 -- use whatever width you want
    tileWd = 50 -- the width in pixels of your tileName file
    tileHt = 50 -- the height in pixels of your tileName file
    squares = {} -- this will hold all the tiles in this grid
    local xP, yP = 0, 0
    for i = 1, rows do
     for j = 1, cols do
      local square = Bitmap.new(Texture.new(tileName)) 
      squares["r_" .. i .. "_c_" .. j] = square
      square:setPosition(xP, yP)
      square.tapped = 0 -- used to handle the tap 1=blue, 2=red
      square.row = i  -- you can use this for easy identification
      square.col = j  -- you can use this for easy identification
      xP = xP + tileWd
     yP = yP + tileHt
     xP = 0
    You can then setup the touch handler on each of the squares, and when you detect a touch on that particular square, you can set it as clicked once
     function setAsClicked(row, col)
      local cellIndex = "r_" .. row .. "_c_" .. col
      local theSquare = squares[cellIndex]
      local nTap = theSquare.tapped + 1
      theSquare.tapped = nTap
      if nTap == 1 then 
        theSquare:setColorTransform(0, 0, 1) -- Tint to Blue
      elseif nTap == 2 then 
        theSquare:setColorTransform(1, 0, 0) -- Tint to Red
    You can also use Shapes and draw the rectangles if you so want. Here's a sample of using shapes to create a 3D tile set.

    Theory about Grids
    You can also look at an alternative way or some theory about working with grids and lua in my book Learn Lua for iOS Game Development on Page 52 under the section "Using a Grid in a Game"
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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