Sorry if this is basic, but I spent a couple of hours looking and still couldn't find the answer.
I want to have a car moving along and going off the screen, and of course it came from off screen into play. Just like traffic passing by. I used MovieClip to get the tweening but that's for animation within the frame, how to get the continuous traffic coming into the screen and going off the screen?
I don't want to use some kind of endless moving background, as my other characters are static within my frame.
In short if you set your objects position off screen first and then set up a tween to a position on the other side of the screen this should work fine.
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My current problem is I want to loop thru and randomly generate a new car, trying to detect when a car has gone off the frame before spawning a new car. I either only spawn 1 car or too many cars at the same time.
It's a simple game with random car traffic running pass and the hero has to avoid collision, but I want no more than 2 cars (or max # of cars) in the frame.
@kredor7: Thanks, I'll take a look at Gtween, may use it for something else.
@thanhquan1512: I like your simple logic, will try it, detecting car going off frame when X coord is beyond the display frame. Then randomly spawn another car.
Here are some articles I had written long long ago on starting out with game development
Some more that could help (written for another Lua Framework, but principles are the same)
Plus there are many more articles if you scroll down on the page.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
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Many thanks for your help.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at