Hey, I have a problem with showing the letters ÅÄÖ åäö. It is usually not a problem but in this case it is.
A normal print like this:
result: åäö
Work without problems. But the Strings i try to write comes from facebooks and they look like this when i print them:
result: hall�
I also try to write from ascii like this and get the same problem:
local to_ascii = string.byte("ö")
local from_ascii = string.char(to_ascii)
result: �
And this work whitout any problem whit other characters like this:
local to_ascii = string.byte("a")
local from_ascii = string.char(to_ascii)
result: a
And now I wonder if someone else have been stuck with this problem and know a way around it?
I hope you understand my question
Now about your question
The size of a character depends on the codepage in use. I recollect this from early 2000's when we were working with an Arabc/English interface and Outlook and Visual Basic which would change the characters typed in as native characters to the latin code page characters, but would render them quite properly.Try this out
Hope that gives you some insight into this unicode issue.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
It make things much clearer for me. Still not sure how to fix the problem in a good way.
But I think I find a way that works anyway
Likes: amin13a
Have repairs in my home and now living at relatives, thus don't have access to all my devices, including Mac. But I can build for Windows, Android and probably iOS if you want
That's great news @ar2rsawseen, and that would be really great, just don't feel any stress about it, cause I can manage with my quickfix for now
url: https://github.com/Nelinho/Json
last update:
Included ability to perform operation with diacritics and special characters, eg: À È Ì Ò Ù à è ì ò ù Â Ê Î Ô Û â ê î ô û
Normally come from facebook's API response of spanish and brasilians names with accented characters in unicode.